第28回鸞ノ会 公式WEB PAGE


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10.19 学生席2,000円(税込 A席区分 自由席)をご用意いたしました。                         お能に興味のある学生の皆様この機会に是非!

令和4年11月26日(土)梅若能楽学院会館 13時開演 (12時開場)

能 三輪 白式神神楽

角当直隆 工藤和哉、山本泰太郎、藤田貴寛、大倉源次郎、柿原弘和、林雄一郎 


頃は秋。大和の三輪山のふもとに住む玄賓僧都(げんぴんそうず)というお坊さんのところに、毎日、仏にそなえる小枝と水を持ってくる女の人がいます。そして、今日もその女の人が訪れ、秋も夜寒になったので衣を一枚恵んで下さいと言います。玄賓僧都は衣を与えて、女の住みかをたずねると、「わが庵(いお)は 三輪の山もと 恋しくは とむらい来ませ 杉立てる門」という歌をよみ、その杉の木を目印においで下さいと言ったかと思うと、姿を消しました。玄賓僧都が三輪山の神前に行くと、杉の梢に、さきほど女に与えた衣がかかっています。見ると金色の文字で、また歌が書いてあります。「三つの輪は 清く清きぞ 唐衣() くると思うな 取ると思わじ」というのです。すると、木陰から美しい女神が現われ、三輪明神のいわれを語り、神楽を舞います。そして、天照大神が天の岩戸に隠れた神代の物語を再現して見せます。やがて夜が明けるとともに、神のお姿は消え、玄賓僧都の夢はさめました。
It is autumn in Yamato, where a monk named Genpin lives at the foot of Mt. Miwa.Every day, a woman brings him twigs and water as offerings to the Buddha.Today, she again comes and asks for a robe, as the autumn nights have grown cooler.Genpin gives her his robe and asks where she lives.She recites a poem, “Visit me in my hut in the hills of Mt. Miwa, where the cedar tree stands.”Hinting that her home is next to the cedar, she disappears.Genpin goes to Miwa Shrine and finds the robe he had given her hanging on a cedar tree.Looking closer, he finds a poem written in gold letters.It reads, “The offering of a robe is blessed when given and received without thought to gain or loss.”A goddess appears from behind a tree, tells the story of the deity at Miwa, and performs a kagura dance.She reenacts the ancient tale of the goddess Amaterasu hiding in a heavenly cave.But as dawn breaks, she disappears, and the monk awakens from his dream.

狂言 伊呂波


能 唐船


The play is set in Hakozaki (present-day Fukuoka) at a time when China was known as To (Tang).The Lord of Hakozaki has captured a Chinese ship in a battle between the two nations.An official named Sokei from the ship now works for the lord, looking after his cattle and horses.Thirteen years have passed, and Sokei has two children born in Japan.He has given up any thought of returning to China.He also has two children in China named Sonshi and Soyu, and they are now sailing to Japan.Their boat is packed with treasures, which they hope to exchange for their father’s freedom.Chasing oxen and horses, Sokei tells his two Japanese children of his home in China.Returning to the manor, Sokei learns to his delight that his Chinese children have come to take him back to China.Lord Hakozaki allows him to leave, and his Japanese children follow their father onboard the ship.The lord stops them, however, saying that the children born in Japan must stay.
For Sokei, both his Chinese and Japanese children are dear to him.His Chinese children want to take him back, while his Japanese child plead with him to stay.Out of despair, Sokei tries to throw himself into the sea. Seeing this, Lord Hakozaki takes pity on Sokei. He allows the Japanese children to go as well, and Sokei and his four children happily board the ship. The vessel sets sail for China, with Sokei performing a dance called gaku on the boat.

●チケット料金 税込 

S席(正面 黄色・・・指定席)10,000円  

A席(中正面、脇正面 水色・・・自由席)8,000円

*学生席 (A席区分 自由席)2,000円





    2022年8月16日 於:梅若能楽学院会館


    (撮影 前島写真店)

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